Thursday, September 9, 2010

Business and IT, what is the trend

Business and IT, what is the problem and why can't these two ever get along!!!
I have been working in and around IT for more than two decades and have seen some amazing growth and advances.  I have seen the Internet start up (no jokes about my age, I'm less than 50), remember when EDLIN was still used and was taught Basic programming in college.

I have also been involved in business operations at almost every level from a newspaper carrier when I was very young, to Corporate Director and VP for international companies, and now I work mainly in the areas where business and IT meet in the same meeting room and try to solve the particular company's issues.

The one thing that has always bothered me, and still does hence this blog is this simple question: Why can't Business and IT work together?  I hear lots and lots of people, bloggers, consultants, Directors, etc. talk about Business Intelligence software, and Business Continuity, and streamlining processes and systems, blah, blah, blah.

 The glaring reality is something quite different, and if you ask anyone of the above talkers, these two different areas are working "much better than before" or "work seamlessly"...Save it for the papers and the financial reports because the truth is, these two areas are almost always at odds with each other and rarely find common ground and when they do, there is usually an article written about it somewhere.

I have sat in many meetings where IT, business and finance all agreed on a project plan, outcome, resource needs, etc., shook hands, talked of lunches and left the room, all with a different idea about what was going to happen when, and to whom...amazing.

I want to take the opportunity to expose the world to the understated issue of Informatics and hopefully will help someone somewhere get some answers when all they hear is "blah, blah, blah" from the people that won't, can't, or don't know how to really work together.

I'm even working on finishing my Master's so I can teach at a University or College the next generation of students that will help drive this process to where it belongs, everyone wants it to be, but are struggling to get it there.

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